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little people (民間迷信中的)小精靈。

little rhody

Pedestrians at the street dress relatively clean , only design s dull somes , wear leather shoes little people , almost all the persons wear bule rubber overshoes . people s face look like the sample of the hungry stomach , but has not seen one pangzi either , pangzi that the weight that china s domestic street is seen everywhere went beyond the normal condition , the mark that seem definitely here 街上的行人穿得比較乾凈,只是花色單調了一些,尤其是穿皮鞋的人少,幾乎所有的人都穿藍色膠鞋。人們的臉色看上去也不像餓肚子的樣子,但也沒有見到一個胖子,中國國內街上隨處可見的體重超常的胖子,在這里似乎絕了跡。

This text through leading into and exchange room power , environment concentrate on administrative system of controlling , it thus can realize supply and possess last state at real - time watch - dog at modernized requirement communication , it is expected that takes place , fix a breakdown , write down and deal with the relevant data , such as integrate management functions , etc . have economized the attendant ' s works and improved the dependability that the power equipment runs , have guaranteed that the security of the communication network is unblocked , it is on duty to realize little people or nobody 本文通過引入交換機房動力、環境集中監控管理系統,從而實現現代化通信要求的電源供應應具備實時監控設備運行狀態、預期故障發生、迅速排除故障、記錄和處理相關數據、進行綜合管理等功能。節約了值班人員的調度,提高了動力設備運行的可靠性,保證了通信網絡的安全暢通,實現了少人或無人值守。

And with that she began making very merry and declaring that if one could only have looked into every room one would have seen some funny sights - the little people going it head over ears and a good lot of swells , too , playing the swine rather harder than the rest 娜娜用嘲笑的口氣大聲說,如果能到所有臥室里看一眼,就會目睹一些有趣的情景,小人物都在盡情淫樂,而不少大人物呢,到處都一樣,一頭鉆進骯臟的勾當里,并且比別人鉆得更深。

Dave barber , a bartender at lexington ' s hyatt regency hotel , said : “ i think she has definitely become one of the little people now . just deserts . i don ' t know if the judge and the jury took that into account , but the man upstairs did . 在萊克辛頓大道上的凱悅大酒店一位調酒師巴伯說, “我看她現在肯定成了一個小人物了。罪有應得。不知道法官和陪審員會不會把那句話考慮進去,可是上天有眼。 ”

The two little people , hem and haw , used their brains , filled with many beliefs , to search for a very different kind of cheese - with a capital c - which they believed would make them feel happy and successful 而那兩個小矮人,哼哼和唧唧,則靠腦袋行事,他們的腦袋里裝滿了各種各樣的信念和情感。他們要找的是一種帶字母“ c ”的那奶酪。他們相信,這樣的奶酪會給他們帶來幸福。使他們成功。

God uses little people , people without any particular credentials , but they have a dream . they see the invisible , believe the incredible , and then they achieve the impossible things in their lifetime . yes , our sons and daughters will see the invisible 你要把你的人生變成沃土,讓農夫撒下種子,否則它就像撒在石地上,風吹來便會被吹走,很快神就會把?的夢和意念放進你的心靈。

Spoken by supreme master ching hai at the hsihu center , formosa , april 10 , 1992 , originally in english , videotape no . 240 from these few simple examples , it is not difficult to perceive the differences between great people and little people 師父于1992年4月10日以英文講于福爾摩沙西湖,影帶編號240由以上幾個簡單的例子,我們不難看出大人物與小人物之間懸殊的差異。

An activists holds a sign made with little people during a rally in front of the white house in washington , dc , in an effort to commemorate world refugee day and highlight violence in the darfur region of sudan 華盛頓白宮門前,一個激進分子舉著一大塊布滿了小人集會的紙板,這是為紀念世界難民日而做,標牌是提請人們關注蘇丹西部地區達爾福爾的暴力現象。

The little people who live in this land , it ' s munchkins land . and you are there national heroine , my dear . it ' s all right , you may all come out and thank her 葛琳達:生活在這個土地上的小人,這里是夢境國。親愛的,你是他們的國家女英雄。沒關系了,你們可以出來感謝她了。

Pedestrians at the street dress relatively clean , only design s dull somes , wear leather shoes little people , almost all the persons wear bule rubber overshoes 街上的行人穿得比較乾凈,只是花色單調了一些,尤其是穿皮鞋的人少,幾乎所有的人都穿藍色膠鞋。

Ilsa , i ' m not good at being noble . but it doesn ' t take much to see that the problems of three little people don ' t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world 伊爾莎,我不是自以為高尚,但顯而易見的是,在這個亂世中,三個小人物之間的問題算不了什么。

In the middle ages , it was believed that green was the color of fairies and other “ little people ” who didn ' t like the idea of sharing it with mere mortals 在中世紀,綠色被認為是精靈和其它“小仙人”的顏色,他們不愿與世間凡人分享這種顏色。

“ the list is too long . “ how many people want to be one in a long list of many ? you might as well just thank “ the little people . “名單真長啊。 ”你知道有多少人想成為長名單中的一員么?不如你只感謝“小人”一個算了。

He is a good and a great man ; but he forgets , pitilessly , the feelings and claims of little people , in pursuing his own large views “他是一個好人,也是個偉人。可惜他在追求大目標時,忘掉了小人物的情感和要求。

Yet , the little people now working on the research of courseware based on xml and the authoring system correspond 但是,基于xml的多媒體課件的研究以及相應的創作系統卻幾乎無人研究。

Every day the mice and the little people spent time in the maze looking for their own special cheese 兩個小老鼠和兩個小矮人每天都在迷宮中度過,在其中尋找他們各自喜歡的奶酪。

Have you ever thought , he said to her one day , how very little people are connected with one another “你有沒有想過, ”他有一天對她說, “人與人間的關系是多么膚淺?

It sucks , though , because there ' s not that much work for little people , you know 之所以會干這么惡心的事情因為那時候小孩總是無所事事

Ugly little people 丑陋的小家伙